1. By Using Websites:
There are various sites which provide directly result after entering your roll number.The websites are given below.
www.moest.gov.np, www.doe.gov.np, www.see.gov.np, www.neb.gov.np, www.nolinekhabar.com, www.see.edusanjal.com, www.nepalexam.com, www.merostudy.com, www.see.ntc.net.no, www.ncell.axiata.com and www.ekantipur.com.
2.By using IVR:
You can use IVR services from Nepal Telecom. Dial the number 1600 and do as directed by the instruction.
Go to the massage box of your Mobile and Type SEE<space> Symbol number and send SMS to 35001 or 31003 or 31007 or 34949 or 1600 . You can use any of the number as given above.
To find out the SEE result fast Go to the link below:
When will SEE result publish?