During my school visit, in most of the schools, students have not seen the solid figures though they have been teaching solid geometry by their teachers .Students have used some of the solids like cube, pyramid, cone, cuboid and many more in their daily use. But still these solids are not brought in to the classroom teaching. My aim is to bring the daily using solid figure in to the mathematics classroom and make familiar about their, faces, surfaces, vertices and nets. Here,some of the tips are given about how to draw net of solid figure. Different solid materials like
- Cube
- Cuboid
- cylinder
- Cone
- Square pyramid
- Tetrahedron
- Octahedron
- Triangular Prism
- Hexagonal Prism
Materials Which are needed to make solid figure are given below.
Solid shape of each figure, scissors, cardboard, tape/glue,etc
i) Cube:
- Take a solid cube to be familiar with its surfaces.
- A cube is three dimensional solid figure, having 6 square faces.
- Let us take a cardboard or thick paper and cut it in to 6 equal square pieces as
shown in the figure.
- Fold it and you will get a perfect cube.
- Use glue or tape to make it perfect cube.
ii) Cuboid:
- Take a solid cuboid to be familiar with its surfaces.
- A cube is three dimensional solid figure, having 6 rectangular faces.
- Take a cardboard or thick paper and cut it in to 6 rectangular pieces and make opposite pieces equal as shown in the figure below.
Then fold it and use glue or tape to make perfect cuboid.
iii) Cylinder
Take a solid cylinder and show its parts to students.
Take a cardboard and make a rectangle and two equal circles as shown in the figure.
Similarly, You can make the solid figures by cutting the papers same as the above.And draw the nets and their figure of Cone,Square pyramid,Tetrahedron, Octahedron,Triangular Prism and Hexagonal Prism.
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